Ananda Family News

Friday, June 1, 2012

Communal Blessings

One of the most incredible benefits of living in spiritual community is the way everyone comes together to bless and support each other, not just at the obvious celebratory times, but in any situation life brings to us.

One of those situations, happening today, is a kidney transplant between our dear friends Rosalva and Nirmoha. Rosalva has been on dialysis and in need of a new kidney for a long time, and, against what are apparently pretty long odds, Nirmoha passed the required tests for being a compatible donor. This morning they are in SFU Medical Hospital having the operation. They are in good hands and all is expected to go very smoothly.

Last night we held a blessing ceremony for them in Chela Bhavan, with dozens of friends and family gathered to share their love and be channels for God’s grace. We chanted, meditated, performed Master’s Divine Mother healing prayer, and each took turns offering our own blessings to Nirmoha and Rosalva.

The atmosphere was charged with powerful feelings of love, courage, and a calm joy, and everyone present was deeply moved, whether as channels or recipients of the blessings. It was a perfect example of how we should meet our challenges and tests in life with uplifted energy, a positive attitude, and a spiritual focus. Because in the long run, this isn’t really about the kidney, or even the body it’s in. It’s the souls of everyone involved that will remember this experience and grow from it, long after all of these bodies have worn out and left us.

Nirmoha and Rosalva will have a few days in the hospital and then several weeks of recovery time at home. Shanti is coordinating food and care packages, so they should be well looked after. On their behalf, thank you to everyone for your love and prayers. (More photos of the blessings here.)


Anonymous said...

I could feel the love coming through the screen for Nirmoha and Rosalva - - and also to those who came to the ceremony to be channels for healing
energy to the couple.....making the meaning of "oneness" so surprise - you're Ananda!
I will keep the couple in my prayers.

Blessings to you all!

Anonymous said...

Aum, aum, aum!!!
Blessings upon blessings to all...

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